Sunday, June 9, 2013

Melon Margarita Jelly Shots

I know, I know…how cute are these?!

Watermelon Margarita Jelly Shots! Can’t you see them at you next BBQ? I know I can. The use of fresh watermelon juice really makes these extra refreshing!
The limes definitely require some work to remove all of the pulp, but the awesomeness of how cute they are is more than worth it. If you use the chocolate chips as the watermelon seeds, I recommend that you eat the chocolate chips first before the jelly shot – unless you like the combo of watermelon and chocolate.

How to make the jelly shots:

Watermelon Margarita Jelly Shot - remove pulp from limes
If you have soft limes, you can cut them in half and then flip them inside out. This will make removing the pulp easy. If the lime is too hard for that then you will need to take a paring knife around the edges of the halves to loosen the pulp from the rind.

Watermelon Margarita Jelly Shot - puree watermelon in blender
In food processor or blender, puree the watermelon until smooth.

Watermelon Margarita Jelly Shot - strain puree
Strain through a fine mesh sieve placed over the bowl. To get all the juice, use the back of a spoon to press on the pulp to extract. The pureed watermelon should yield about 1 cup of watermelon juice. Set aside.

Watermelon Margarita Jelly Shot - heat gelatin
Heat over low heat until gelatin is fully dissolved, about 5 minutes.

Watermelon Margarita Jelly Shot - add liquor
Stir in 1 cup of watermelon juice, the Grand Marnier and tequila.

Watermelon Margarita Jelly Shot - pour into lime halves
Pour mixture into lime halves, filling all the way to the top. Chill in fridge for at least 2 hours.

Watermelon Margarita Jelly Shot - cut into wedges
Using a sharp knife, carefully cut each lime half in half again, making wedges.

Watermelon Margarita Jelly Shot - add chocolate chips for seeds
Add mini chocolate chips if desired to give the look of watermelon seeds.

Watermelon Margarita Jelly Shot Final

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