These creative and patriotic crafts for kids are fun for the whole family and are perfect as 4th of July decorations. With the right materials, you and your children can craft like pros this summer!
4th of July star wand
- Red, white and blue cardstock paper
- Popsicle stick
- Ribbon
- Hot glue gun
- Elmer’s Craft Bond Permanent Dot Runner
- X-ACTO Decorative Shape templates
- X-ACTO Gripster Knife
- Place the X-ACTO Decorative Shapes Template on the red piece of cardstock paper.
- With the X-ACTO Gripster Knife, carefully cut out the large star from the template.
- Place the X-ACTO Decorative Shapes Template on the white piece of cardstock paper.
- With the X-ACTO Gripster Knife, carefully cut out the medium star from the template.
- Place the X-ACTO Decorative Shapes Template on the blue piece of cardstock paper.
- With the X-ACTO Gripster Knife, carefully cut out the small star on the template.
- Apply the Elmer’s Craft Bond Permanent Dot Runner to the back of the white star, then place it in the middle of the red star.
- Apply the Elmer’s Craft Bond Permanent Dot Runner to the back of the blue star, then place it in the middle of the white star.
- Cut three, 18-inch pieces of ribbon, then fold each piece of ribbon in half.
- Carefully glue the folded ribbon and the popsicle stick to the back of the red star with the hot glue gun, let dry.
Patriotic handprint flag
- Red, white and blue washable craft paint
- Two white sturdy paper plates
- White poster board
- Pencil
- X-ACTO Ruler
- Using a pencil and the X-ACTO Ruler, draw the outline of the American flag lightly on the poster board. (Draw a square in the top left corner for the stars and thick lines for the stripes).
- Place blue paint on one paper plate.
- Place red paint on the other paper plate.
- Dip one hand in the blue paint and then press your hand inside the square area on the poster board multiple times to create the handprint stars.
- Dip your other hand in the red paint and then press that hand on every other line multiple times to create the stripes.
- Let dry.
American flag tissue paper wreath
- Elmer’s Bi-Fold Foam Board
- X-ACTO Gripster Knife
- Red, white and blue tissue paper
- Elmer’s Quick Dry Dual Tip Glue Pen
- Pencil
- X-ACTO Ruler
- On one side of the Elmer’s Bi-Fold Foam Board, draw a circle with a pencil.
- With the X-ACTO Gripster Knife, carefully cut out the circle.
- With the X-ACTO Ruler, mark 1-1/2 inch marks on the inside of the circle every inch or so.
- With the X-ACTO Gripster Knife, carefully cut out the inside circle to make the wreath base.
- With the X-ACTO Ruler, mark a square in one corner of the wreath and then mark lines across and down the remainder of the wreath.
- Tear multiple 3-inch by 3-inch squares of red, white and blue tissue paper.
- Pinch the middle of each tissue square while gently pulling the ends upward.
- Apply the Elmer’s Craft Bond Quick Dry Glue to the square section and carefully place each blue tissue piece until the area is covered.
- Apply the Elmer’s Craft Bond Quick Dry Glue to the line section and carefully place each red tissue piece until the area is covered.
- Repeat step nine — alternating red and white — until the wreath is completely covered.
Patriotic 4th of July paper plate noisemakers
- Two white paper plates
- Hot glue gun
- X-ACTO Decorative Shapes Template
- X-ACTO Gripster Knife
- Red and blue cardstock paper
- Elmer’s Painters Paint Markers in red, white and blue
- Elmer’s Craft Bond Quick Dry Dual Tip Glue Pen
- Dried pasta or dried beans
- Ribbon (optional)
- Place the X-ACTO Decorative Shapes Template on the cardstock paper.
- With the X-ACTO Gripster Knife, carefully cut one to three stars from the template.
- Using the Elmer’s Quick Dry Glue Pen, glue the stars to the wrong side of one paper plate.
- With the Elmer’s Painters Paint Markers, decorate the wrong sides of one or both paper plates. Let dry.
- Lay one of the paper plates on a hard surface (decorated side down) and fill it with dried pasta or dried beans.
- With the hot glue gun, carefully apply glue around the edge of the paper plate.
- Quickly and carefully place a folded piece of ribbon on the hot glue near the bottom of the plate (optional).
- Quickly and carefully place the second paper plate on top of the first (right sides together) to seal the paper plates together.
- Let dry.
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